About Us
Thrive Leadership Group helps leaders and teams to grow well and successfully. This is the meaning of thrive. With 25-plus years in People, Culture and Operations in Australian and global organisations providing a backdrop, I founded Thrive Leadership Group in 2014 to work more closely with leaders and teams to bring about the change that will develop each individual’s impact, and to grow well and successfully.

Our Services
When we’re asked to create a program, our first question is “what problem are you trying to solve?” All of our programs are individualised, ensuring your objectives are foremost.
Recent services we’ve helped individuals and organisations with:

We are all being asked to do more in our working lives; to improve business outcomes, enhance personal effectiveness, manage transitions and change, or lead others to do these things.
Using a range of diagnostic tools, Thrive Leadership Group works with leaders and teams to understand their impact on others.
After reviewing and reflecting, we assist leaders and individuals to identify what they want to change in their work, their mindset, communication with others and leadership thinking.
With our coaching, leaders and individuals call out their obstacles, consider what’s stopping them from making changes, and then design a different way of working. We take a considered empathy approach, which continually challenges individuals to understand themselves, and others around them, so that they can achieve their goals and objectives.

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